how to install wordpress locally on windows 10

Installing WordPress Locally on Windows 10: A Guide

Setting up WordPress locally on a Windows 10 machine is great for both developers and hobbyists. You can test themes, tweak plugins, and make updates without risking a live website. It’s a safe way to learn coding, solve problems, and improve your WordPress skills without any downtime. Working locally also keeps your projects private until…

how to make submenus in wordpress

Creating Submenus in WordPress: A Step-by-Step Guide

In the fast-moving world of online content, good navigation is key. This guide shows how to make submenus in WordPress. We focus on WordPress 6.0 and the Twenty Twenty-Two theme. Mastering WordPress submenus helps visitors find what they’re looking for quickly. Submenus help organise content by topics, making it easy for users to find the…